Lets recall our childhood GK - Have some fun

1. What does UNO stands for?

United National Organisation
United Nations Organisation
Urban National Organisation

2. What does WHO stands for?

World Health Organisation
World Heart Organisation
World Help Organisation

3. What does UNESCO stands for?

United National Engineering, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United National Engineering, Scientific and Customer Organization

4. What does HRD stands for?

Health Research & Development
Human Resource Development
Heart Rate Development

5. What does UNWTO stands for?

United Nation World Tourist Organization
United Nation of Wealth & Taxes Organization
United Nation World Tourism Organization

6. What does FEE stands for?

Foreign Exchange Expenditure
Foreign Exchange Earning
Foreign Expenditure & Earning

7. What does FTA stands for?

Foreign Tourist Arrival
Foreign Travel Arrival
Foreign Tourism Arrival

8. What does WTM stands for?

World Tourist Market
World Travel Management
World Travel Market

9. What does ILFS stands for?

International Leasing and Financial Services Limited
Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services Limited
Indian Leasing and Financial Services Limited

10. What does NBA stands for?

National Board of Archaeology
National Board of Accreditation
National Board of America

11. What does IST stands for?

Indian Standard Timezone
Indian Suitable Timezone
Indian Standard Time

12. What does UNIX stands for?

Uniplexed Information and Computing Service
United Information Service
Uniplexed Information Service

13. What does ATM stands for?

Automated Teller Machine
Automatic Teller Machine
Automated Transfer Machine