Why should you choose YOGA over GYM?
Many people see it as a question of whether they should go for YOGA or GYM -- which is better? Is there really a question in there?
There are about a gazillion reasons a yoga class is better.
Digitrollz finds 15 reasons behind choosing YOGA over GYM:
1. Yoga is all about focusing on yourself.
Many yoga studios don’t even have mirrors so you’re forced to think about where your body is and what each muscle and limb is doing, whereas gym classes have mirrors for you to see—and worry about—what everyone else is doing.
GYM is basically to showcase your outer body whereas YOGA is for your inner soul.
2. Yoga gives the benefit to your body, mind and soul
Yoga will help tone your body but while it’s doing that, it also helps you to be truly in the moment and infuses your spirit with positive energy whereas the gym workout is only focused on improving your body’s physical condition.
3. Yoga will make you lean.
By stretching your muscles as you’re strengthening them, your body will take on a leaner appearance. A gym workout filled with weights will cause your muscles to bulk up.
4. Yoga benefits your full body—externally and internally.
The twisting, stretching, and folding of a yoga practice are good for the digestive system, the circulatory system, the lymph system, and more. It’s a great way to detox the body and can improve your cardiovascular system. And all this while developing stronger muscles whereas gym workout is just focused on strengthening muscles and boosting cardio.
5. Yoga is more efficient than gym
Yoga relies on your own—your entire body—for strengthening whereas gym classes use weights and other equipment. Through different asanas, your full body becomes toned and stronger by using your own entire body weight as 'weights'. By using only weights or other equipment, muscles are isolated and have to be worked individually in order to benefit, which takes a whole lot more time.
6. Yoga helps you breathe easier.
During times of stress, it’s easy to forget to breathe—really breathe, and not just shallow breaths. Without deep breaths, it’s harder to think clearly and fatigue can set in. Yoga focuses on the breath so that when you need it most, those deep breaths are the norm. Yoga is best for those who have breathing problem it will help you much to recover whereas the gym is not advised for those who have breathing problems.
7. Yoga teaches acceptance.
Yoga helps you believe you’re perfect the way you are—with your strengths and your weaknesses. It's true what they say -- yoga is not about self-improvement, it's about self-acceptance whereas Gym classes, especially boot camp style classes, are more likely to have you feeling like a failure if you can’t do everything.
8. Yoga reduces stress
Many yoga classes include meditation or at least Savasana. It gives you a chance to clear the mind of the stresses of the day. With practice, stressful situations can be dealt with more easily and overall stress levels decrease whereas the competitive nature of a gym along with the loud music and bright lights is more likely to increase your stress.
9. Yoga improves concentration
During yoga practice, you focus on the breath, the posture, and the gaze. Outside distractions are tuned out whereas in the gym you can try and do this, the focus and silence are not exactly encouraged with all the other distractions around, like loud music, TVs, etc.
10. You can do yoga anywhere.
You can easily practice yoga at home, outside, in small spaces, or in open spaces like at roof, park, etc. All you need is about 6 feet by 4 feet and you have your own yoga studio whereas gym workout requires more equipment and more space.
11. Yoga eases your aches and pains.
Yoga slowly stretches muscles and opens the energy channels of the body. The increased flexibility keeps muscles and joints lubricated and healthy. Weights and treadmill can cause strain which leads to soreness and injuries whereas gym workout increases your aches and pain as you started lifting the things ASAP you joined your gym.
12. Everyone can practice yoga even with bad health
No matter your age or your health, you can practice yoga. Yoga has even been found to help people who have health ailments ranging from Parkinson’s to cancer whereas gym workouts, in general, are not designed to be therapeutic, or senior-friendly.
13. Yoga let you feel Calm and Relaxed
We move through practice with a calm, relaxed expression. No grunting, no dropping weights, no clenched teeth, or grimacing expressions like you see from gym-goers. The overall intention is to release tension throughout the body and mind.
14. Yoga is very kinder on your body compare to gym
This does not mean yoga is not intense. Just ask anyone who practices Ashtanga. Yoga builds heat and works your muscles, but you’re doing what your body allows you to do and not attempting to lift weights and pound on the joints—both of which can cause injury. Yoga also stretches as you move through the postures and a good yoga practice builds on itself to prepare the body for the next position.
15. Yog is rock.
We’re a happy bunch! Wouldn’t you rather be around smiling, happy people? You'll get to be in an environment where people accept you, and everyone else's, curves and edges. There's no talk of who held what pose longer, no sense of competition. It's always good vibes all around!
I hope this will help you to understand the advantages of doing yoga...
Yoga is best thing that Indians had introduced over 5,000 years ago and foreign countries are taking good benefits of it but in our country, we opt the tradition of Greece, and not utilizing it in a great way.
Do you guys agree with me and with my points above?
Is there anything else you want to add to this list? Please share it with us in the comment section below.
Who all are disagree with me can also share their suggestion so that we can conclude on which could be better for us :)
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